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How can i block someone?




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Privacy & Safety Standards  » Blocking and Un-blocking

Learning more about blocking on Caribsocial.

First thing you need to know about how to block a member go to the member profile page and click on the blocking icon. 

Using your desktop computer or a mobile device, you can prevent a member from viewing your profile. A member will show up on your blocked list once you've blocked them. In most circumstances, the barred member won't be informed of this action.

Even though our skilled team and sophisticated technologies regularly employ techniques to guarantee members' safety, some members could participate in harassing and abusive behaviour. Although Caribsocial has standards in place to prevent this kind of behaviour, there are times when it persists and users choose to take independent action, such blocking member accounts. In order to block a member's profile, follow these steps.

If the member you want to block cannot be found, they might have:

  1. Had their profile hibernate.
  2. been taken off the website because of aggressive behaviour that contravenes our user agreement. (Note: Depending on the severity of the behaviour, the member's account might reopen if they follow certain rules. 
  3. Blocked you.
  4. Closed their account.  

What will happen when you block a user on Caribsocial?

  • You won't be able to view each other's Caribsocial profiles.
  • You won't be able to communicate with one another on Caribsocial.
  • you won't be visible to Shared content with each other any more.
  • If you're connected, you won't be connected anymore.
  • Under Who's Viewed Your Profile, you won't be able to see one another.
  • About any of their forthcoming Caribsocial Events, you won't receive any notifications. Note that a participant cannot block the event's organiser prior to leaving the event.
  • We'll quit recommending each other in People You May Know.
  • The member will typically not be informed that you blocked them, and only you will be able to "unblock" the user.   

Blocking members in groups and as a Caribsocial Page admin:

  • Because admins (group owners/managers) need access to and authority over a group to oversee group posts, memberships, and other activities, group members cannot block admins. Their admin permissions must first be withdrawn in order to block admins.
  • You must first leave the group in order to block a manager of one of the groups you are a member of.
  • You must first kick someone out of the group before you can block them if they are a member of one you manage.
  • Group owners or managers can be contacted by group members to ask to have a member blocked.
  • Between a group manager and a group member, blocking is not supported.

A blocked member may still see your profile and posts in the following scenarios:

  • Even if you block a user, they could still be able to see the public content you've made available, such as your public profile, the material you've shared in open (public) group conversations, your own public shares, and your comments on Top Voices pieces. To alter how you appear in public search engines, you may always review your public profile settings.

In the following circumstances, information from users you blocked might be visible to you:

  • The person you've blocked may share content into your stream through mutual connections. You'll see this in your news stream. These updates can be kept out of your stream at your discretion.

  • If you use a mobile device to visit Caribsocial, you can view cached information about the prohibited member's profile. Sign in and out of your Caribsocial mobile applications to clear your cache.


  • Prior to any blocking, a member who saw your profile will still be counted among the viewers, but their information won't be shown in the viewer details. A member cannot read your profile after being blocked.

  • Currently, you are unable to prevent private mode users from viewing your profile.

  • You must manually delete any contact information that has been saved or stored on your device locally.

