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  • rachel james



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    Why Does Stress Destroy Your Mental Health?

    In: Motivation

    Asked On : September 28, 2023

    • Stress triggers survival mode- It is not normal for our body and mind to be in survival mode for too long.
    • Stress keeps you under tension- A tension will make you overwhelmed, and it will suck all your energy.
    • Stress makes you worried and afraid- These are the two most dangerous feelings for your mental health.
    • Stress in the long run destroys your self-esteem- Nothing can destroy your self-esteem as stress, and self-esteem can be crucial for your mental health.
    • Stress creates self-doubt- If you constantly see some situations as stressful, you will build self-doubt.
    • Stress makes your body work crazy- Pain. Noise in ears. Hard breathing. Insomnia. Your heart beating crazy. Doctors can’t find anything wrong with our bodies. All that can cause stress.
    • Stress can make you overreact- People under stress always overreact and they ruin many social relationships.
    • Stress can make your personality fragile- Under the huge stress, some people become ruined. You can’t recognize them. Stress makes their personality fragile.

    Stress is dangerous and we need to learn how to deal with it. If we don’t learn it, stress can jeopardize or damage our mental health.

    If you want to learn how to deal with stress and protect your mental health, contact me for coaching and mentoring.